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PvP is defined as the act of a player attacking another player in any form, or as some like to call it CvC (character versus character).

  • PvP is allowed on Layonara but in restricted form and it is heavily logged and watched closely by the GM Team and community as a whole. At no time is one allowed to grief or PvP without an RP reason and all RP should be exhausted before PvP has been initiated and agreed upon.

  • At no time is PK'ing or Griefing ever allowed in Layonara and it is grounds for instant and permanent banning from the community.

  • There is no soul strand loss or XP loss when players engage in PvP. That is how it stands currently but it could change over time.

    1. If a player wishes to engage in PvP they must initiate a PvP request via the PvP Widget that all characters have in their inventory. You use the widget and click on the target character. At that point all members of the party of the targeting character (if he/she is in a party) are not notified that a PvP request has been made. The targeted party leader then must click their PvP Widget on one from the party that targeted them in return. This gives the targeted party leader a conversation where he can accept or deny the PvP request. Should he accept, all members of both parties will be notified that PvP may begin in 60 seconds, giving all party members a chance to set their enemies to hostile in the player window (They can also leave party within the 60 seconds to avoid being involved in the PvP). Both PvP'ers must set their selves to hostile in the player window; this is important as it allows for the PvP to happen. After your character dies or after fifteen RL (real life) minutes the PvP action is over. No character involved may engage in PvP for sixty RL minutes'this is a cool down period. All of this is logged and monitored by the GM Team.


    2. A GM supervises the PvP event. For this to occur there must be a valid, in character reason for the PvP, a GM must be contacted to request PvP (via a tell or the DM channel) and the GM must approve, and witness the PvP. All characters involved must be willing to engage in the PvP and must express this to the GM before PvP will be approved.


    3. A World Leader (WL) supervises and authorizes the PvP event. If a WL believes that PvP is warranted they will target both (or all) participants and you will be able to PvP for 5 real life minutes. The WL has the final say of defining if PvP is warranted. A WL may not target him/herself for PvP, that must happen from another WL or GM. This is a update on the PvP rules.


    4. You may have PvP with the Dicebag at any time and without GM or WL oversight. It must be consensual and can not be forced on a player that does not want to interact. It must be in character and Roleplayed at all times.


    5. You are using the PvP Arena in Fort Vehl to RP sparring, training, or some other purpose. Deaths in the PvP Arena will incur no death penalties (see Death and The Layonara Death System Explained.)


    6. At some point down the road we will have frontier zones where keeps or resources will be able to be battled over and controlled. In these frontier zones (they will be marked as such) open PvP will be allowed without any form of initiation between players, GMs, or WLs for the PvP action. These zones/areas will be out of the way locations and will never be a required or travel through location for normal players that do not wish to engage in PvP or this sort of game system'it will never be a requirement to play and enjoy Layonara.

  • Do not attack characters, familiars, companions or summons without prior permission from a GM, WL, or the direct player involved. Doing so is considered griefing and could lead to an instant banning from the server.

Attacking players in a non-PvP zone or with spells that do not harm characters is also against the rules. It does not matter if spells or attacks do not harm players, it is still a PvP attack and is not allowed.

"I personally am not against PvP but I am against the attitudes and heated tempers that inevitably result from it."


PK'ing is the act of killing another character. The term carries the connotation that there is no RP basis for the event.

  • Unlike PvP, which is allowed under strict conditions (see above) PK'ing is never allowed on Layonara. PK'ing will result in a very stern warning and a ten day ban on the first occurrence, perhaps a permanent ban. A second occurance warrants a permanant ban.

Griefing is the act of intentionally causing another player emotional harm by a verbal assault. It is also the act of intentionally causing players to not be able to have fun in the world (following them and being a nuisance, unwanted OOC dialog, blocking doorways, pick pocketing/stealing, kill stealing when asked not to, camping when asked to leave an area, being rude and obnoxious, etc.)

  • Griefing is not allowed on Layonara. Doing so will result in a warning and a three day ban on the first occurrence. The second occurrence will warrant a ten-day ban and the third a permanant ban from the server.
  • Another form of griefing is the act of attacking NPC's or stealing from them. This is not tolerated. The consequences listed above stand for this form of griefing as well.

"Remember, the goal of everyone here is to have fun playing his or her characters. We are all entitled to an environment that is free of harassment or unnecessary tensions amongst the players. Be respectful to your fellow players and always remember that there is indeed a person on the other side of the character. Remember to take that fact into consideration and always use common sense when dealing with others."
