Sedera Kingdom: Notable People

From The World of Layonara
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Jnaar Itenu Ravorinin: He is the 15th Ravorinin to become jnaar. He is middle aged, with three sons just grown to adulthood and five daughters. He's stern, favoring punishment as object lesson over prevention, but he is not cruel. He claims to be a child of Zxar; however, his eyes and hair are jet black to the point of reflecting blue under light, and his features, as his fathers and his father's fathers, are entirely human. He is said to be favoring his even-tempered middle child for the future jnaar and is openly critical of Lord Rael's means to power.

Jnamsi Nomti Lopatin: He is enthusiastic about his new position. He is from Audira; he's a child of those who have chosen the standing city life over nomadic travels but has always had a wandering streak in him. As jnamsi, the dark-skinned, dark-eyed man is constantly at sea making use of skills learned in his childhood in boats around the Gulf of Sedera. He is tightlipped about anything the navy is doing, but he will proudly point out the three calopthat (cal-of-hat) ships around the Audiran harbor.