Damage Immunity

From The World of Layonara
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Damage Immunity is reflected as a percentage that modifies all incoming damage of a single type.


  • Damage Immunity is represented by the damage type or category being resisted followed by a percentage. For example, Fire Immunity 10% or Magic Immunity 50%.
  • The percent value represents the amount of damage ignored, or resisted, by the ability. For example, a character with Fire Immunity 25% would absorb 10 points of damage from a Fireball spell that normally deals 40 points of damage. In other words, the character would only take 30 points of damage.
  • Damage Immunity versus the same type or category of damage always stacks with itself. For example, if your character has an item that gives her Positive Immunity 10%, and she puts on another item that gives her Positive Immunity 25%, then she does indeed have Positive Immunity 35%.
  • Damage Immunity is applied before Damage Resistance and Damage Reduction.